Sunday, January 12, 2014

Welcome to "The Unknown Adevntures in Mumderland"

Welcome to my first blog post on "Adventures in Mumderland". I wanted a platform to share my thoughts about my journey into motherhood and to combine that with some creative and crafty ideas. Two years ago I wrote a blog called inspired by the movie "Julie & Julia" I ventured on a year long journey of designing, making and blogging about a new crafty creation each day. Needless to say I was a little burnt out by the end and required a well earned break!
Two years later I am 8 months pregnant with too much time on my hands, thoughts in my head and not a lot of energy to actually move... hence sitting on my big butt sharing my thoughts and ideas seems like a great option!
So Cheers! with a half drunk cup of earl grey tea in hand, Cheers! to "The unknown adventures of Mumderland"

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